3 types of pins to boost your visibility on Pinterest

Comment être visible sur pinterest

To stand out on Pinterest, with more than 7 million new pins (images) imported every day on Pinterest, it is necessary to know some tips. If this figure still seems to be a challenge, the game is worth it. More than 40 of Pinterest users actually base their purchase decision directly by browsing the platform. This makes Pinterest a kind of “market place” perfectly suited to the promotion of a business or a professional activity. So
how to use Pinterest
the best? In this article you’ll find 3 tips (the 3rd is actually a trick), to create pins that will help you be much more visible on Pinterest.

Create Pinterest-specific visuals

To be visible on Pinterest, it is essential to create visuals specifically adapted to this platform and not try to reuse other visuals of social networks as is. The format of the pins on Pinterest is actually vertical and actually looks much larger than other social media visuals (Facebook, Instagram) when they are put next to each other in the feed. This difference in size is even greater on a mobile phone screen, which is the navigation medium for the majority of Pinterest users.

Here are the recommendations for creating pins in Pinterest’s ideal standard format:

  • Size of the pin
    The 2:3 format is the format recommended by Pinterest: a dimension of at least 1,000×1,500 pixels
  • File format
    For a standard image, it is recommended to opt for the lighter JPG file format and more complex graphics, you can choose the PNG format
  • Image size
    To be able to import your pin, you will need to make sure that the image does not exceed 32 MB

Then, beyond the format of the images, pin design also plays an important role in improving its visibility on Pinterest, and here’s how to optimize it:

Adapt the design of your pins to your brand image to gain visibility

> Using the elements of your visual identity is a great way to make your pins distinctive

By constantly using the same typography and, if possible, the same color palette, users will be able to learn to recognize your pins at a glance in the feed. And to go further, if you have the opportunity, using images with a homogeneous style, or ideally having your brand’s own visuals, is even ideal.

> Add your logo and website address

Pinterest is not strictly a social network where people show their engagement with comments or “likes”. On the contrary, the main proof of commitment is pin sharing or “re-pining”. It is therefore advisable to add your brand name, logo and/or website address to your pins. This will ensure that your brand remains visible even after multiple shares.

> Create enriched pins

Even if this is not a direct part of your brand image, it is a very important point for your visibility. So-called “enriched” pins

allow Pinterest to add more information to your pins than a standard pin, greatly improving the visibility of your brand and products. The information mentioned is taken from the meta data on the pin-related web page. And there are several types of enriched pins, each type being optimized to promote the relevant web page:

  • Apps pins automatically have an installation button to allow download directly from Pinterest
  • The “recipe” pins offer recipe preparation information (ingredients, preparation time and servings)
  • “Product” pins allow real-time synchronization of availability, price and where to buy information
  • Pins linked to “articles” show the author’s title, description and name

Finally, beyond customizing Pinterest pins with your brand’s universe, and using enriched pins, here’s how to go further by choosing the most impactful types of pins…

Tip: 3 types of pins that stand out to be even more visible on Pinterest

While the majority of pins you see on Pinterest are simple images, the platform also offers other pin formats that it’s worth exploring just to stand out from the crowd:

> Animated videos and GIFs

Videos are on Pinterestideally, in vertical format as on Instagram. The recommended ratio is (2:3 or 9:16). Alternatively, it is (1:1) if you still decide to opt for a square format (which is advantageous month). You will ensure that the video lasts between 4s and 15 minutes and is less than 2 GB. The formats accepted by Pinterest are .mp4 .mov or .m4v.
Pinterest also accepts animated GIFs
that can boost the engagement of your pins because the user is invited to click to see the animation.

> Pin carousels

The carousels on Pinterest look like a classic pin with a symbol inviting you to scroll through the carousel. The user can scroll through the different images of the carousel by clicking (in a similar way to instagram). It’s an ideal option to present products, creations or just to do storytelling. You will actually be able to import between 2 and 5 images to develop your concept.

> Long/high pins

If Pinterest recommends a 2:3 format as seen above, it happens to see much higher pins. Creating this type of pin should be taken with caution since this is not the standard format recommended by Pinterest (the risk being that Pinterest will one day decide to truncate them). On the other hand, it is still a point to address in this article that deals with Pinterest visibility because it is indeed shown that the longest pins are the ones that attract the most commitment (clicks, re-pinning, etc.). And it’s probably precisely because these pins are longer, that they certainly attract more the eye…

Conclusion for pins that will make you visible on Pinterest

To recap, to be effectively visible on Pinterest,it is recommended to create visuals in the optimal format for this platform specifically, to add the touch of your brand and to opt for original content that differs from simple static images. Opting for “enriched” pins is also a tip not to be underestimated. So now you have all the elements to design powerful pins and be able to differentiate your brand on this social platform based on visuals.


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