Money Gif: Get your business off the ground

gif argent

The word GIF, an acronym for Graphic Interchange Formats, is a digital image format that combines several images to create an animated effect. They can be extracted from videos or films, just as they can also be created by many users. The use of animated gifs has now become commonplace in the marketing and communication strategy of companies. Everybody get on it! Gifs can be associated to different categories for any kind of business, we will see more about Money Gifs in this article!

Social networks: the precursors of the gif.

There is now on social networks, a way to insert gifs in your tweets, posts, tickets, private messages etc… The library of gifs available is also very large, allowing users to use a gif appropriate to the given message. In addition, our phones, whether iPhone or Android, are equipped with keys that allow you to insert gifs in your SMS messages, for example. As you will have understood, you will not be able to brave the digital age without using GIF. Small or large, companies or individuals, everyone loves it.

This is all the more true for companies, especially when developing their various strategies. It is easier to retain a customer than to attract prospects. A company’s communication techniques will play an important role in the recruitment of new clients. Gifs have the particularity of attracting a large number of clients or prospects, because they reflect emotions or reactions specific to human beings. They attract a lot of interest and attention from Internet users. The money gifs will have the particularity to attract prospects in relation to the money making on the internet!

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Where can I find money gifs?

Certainly there are many online gif libraries, such as Giphy, Gifer or Tenor. However, these websites are often used by private individuals, using gifs all over the place. If you’re a business, the Gifing site is made for you. It provides many gifs designed especially for companies. The perfect money gif is likely to be found on this site. Go for it!

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Top 5 money Gif for your business!

Below we offer you a selection of 5 professional money gifs!

1-Money Gif: businessman counts his money

Available formats: Story (ideal for social networks for smartphone) – Portrait (ideal for social networks on computer) – Square (ideal for emailing, blogs …)

Export available: GIF – MP4

Money gif

HD Download

2-Money gif: A woman happily throwing money away

Available formats: Story (ideal for social networks for smartphone) – Portrait (ideal for social networks on computer) – Square (ideal for emailing, blogs …)

Export available: GIF – MP4

Money gif

HD Download

3-Money gif: girl showing dollars and who is happy

Available formats: Story (ideal for social networks for smartphone) – Portrait (ideal for social networks on computer) – Square (ideal for emailing, blogs …)

Export available: GIF – MP4

Money gif

HD Download

4-Money gif: sexy girl happy while digging for

Available formats: Story (ideal for social networks for smartphone) – Portrait (ideal for social networks on computer) – Square (ideal for emailing, blogs …)

Export available: GIF – MP4

Money gif

HD Download

5-Money gif: Woman with a cigar counting her money

Available formats: Story (ideal for social networks for smartphone) – Portrait (ideal for social networks on computer) – Square (ideal for emailing, blogs …)

Export available: GIF – MP4

Money gif

HD Download

Why use Money Gifs?

With the rise of social networks, the messages published on these platforms play an important role in the rate of consumer engagement and, subsequently, in the act of purchasing. For this reason, it can sometimes be more subtle to use rather than inciting individuals to buy with a simple message of money.. Indeed, prospects are today more interested in the identity of the brand, its values, principles etc… You will therefore be able to convey these different values through different gifs, by making Internet users understand what kind of company you are.

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Money Gif in Online Businesses

The creation of gif-based content, especially to announce new products or promotions, can be a real challenge in the act of buying. Be sure, however, to use a gif that is understandable, funny and that will be unanimously accepted by Internet users. Yes, it is, money can sometimes be a taboo subject for some people. The use of a Money gif in one of your publications on social networks or on your website must therefore be very fine. Because they are often used for humorous purposes, gifs should not cause the opposite effect and irritate the Internet user who will therefore no longer represent a potential customer. This is why, as in any marketing or communication strategy, it is important to define your target audience. By having a solid and well-established target, you can be sure that your editorial line will please and that your money gif will not bother anyone.

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